Stage 3
Programme Design
The three major activities articulated by rural women in Mawphlang, which have real potential to improve their livelihoods, are described below:
- Value addition of farm/forest produce: The capacity of various organisations in managing a successful agro-enterprise is considerably weak in this region. A project on value addition should build on learning from previous attempts. The project should start on an incremental learning basis, linking the producers to existing value chains first, exploring opportunities for delayed marketing and bulking, and then gradually move up the value chain to semi-processing and full value addition.
- Backyard poultry and piggery: There is lot of local demand for both the products. The challenge is in managing diseases. The project should look for training local youth and women to act as para vets and ensuring that they get proper training and supply of pharmaceuticals.
Agriculture/horticulture productivity enhancement: Considerable scope exists to improve productivity. The project needs to create conditions that would motivate people to apply new or better knowledge. This would require ensuring access to quality inputs, services and markets. SHGs of women could be assisted to emerge as service providers. The capacity of NGOs and government organisations to support communities also needs strengthening.